Salaria, Singh (1978) also advocated this idea
for cooking, but felt that there was too much heat coming from
the top so they advocated the use of a deflector to direct the
focus to the bottom of the vessel (Figure 32).
Instead of one
large lens, several designers have proposed the use of a dome of
multiple lenses, but De Witt C Maine was probably the first to
apply for a patent (US Patent No. 4 057 048 of 12 November 1975)
(Figure 33). Here again, the heat coming from the top, that is
focused sunlight, would be too much and it would be essential to
divert the focus. Besides, it may be difficult to fabricate an
assembly of lenses to have a long focal length. Of late, such a dome
of multiple lenses, has been tried successfully in the case of
power generation.
To offset some of the
problems associated with such multiple lenses, or other type of
large glass lenses, use of
transparent Fresnel lenses was suggested (Mathur, Bansal 1981).
The IIT, Delhi group was working on various aspects of large
Fresnel lenses. Two configurations were recommended. In one, the
vessel moves and in another the position of the lens is altered.
If the cost of the Fresnel lens is low then these designs may
become popular. There would still be the problem of durability;
plastic lenses may blur very soon. Recently, Fatangare (1992)
has also recommended these types of Fresnel lenses.
Concept VIa (Type LCA 3a)
proposed by me, in this compilation suggests the use of a
suitable large Fresnel lens incorporated windowsil, and the
focus diverted to the base of the vessel. Provision has to be
made to prevent the glare and also to cover the lens when it is
not used (Figure 34).
Large Fresnel lens had become popular
for magnifying the TV screen, and when TV screens became large,
some of these large lenses were put to solar application. There
are many videos (
uploaded by Greenpower Science. Pramoters of Green power
Science,Denise Rojas & Dan Rojas are indeed geniuses, and on
their site, which worths the visit they have some awasome
designs. ( They have
the Death Ray Lens made with the help of Transparent plastic
sheet with water on top. Another very interesting concept is
about making small parabolic reflectors.
Taking a cue from such works, Bing Gu of
Califirnia has designed a Solar Oven using Fresnel Lens,
he has two models, 32x32" and 42x42". The ovens also come with
PV operated tracking device. The design appears very
sophisticated but very simple to work with. For more details
visit his web page (
and watch their video too
Large Lenses are appearing in new forms.
A prize winning design from Germany is a good example. It
appears that this design was more for concentrating sun of
special photovoltaic cells than on food for cooking though the
video shows cooking food. Andre Broessel, architect, founder and
director of Rawlemon Solar Architecture, ltd. is the creator of
this unique lens.
Conical Cookers (Funnel cookers) are
naturally cone shaped with a broader top and narrow bottom.
However, as you read further you may notice that the
classification becomes rather hazy between the Conical Cookers
and Panel Cookers, in general the principal is the same in both
the cases, light coming from the Sun above is concentrated on
top of the cooking vessel
Under this category one of the cheapest
solar cooker has been designed by Volunteers of VITA (1961). The
reflector was made of disposable cardboard cones covered on the
inside with reflective material like Aluminium Foil (LCA 4,
Figure 35). The three cones concentrated the light on to the top
of the cooking vessel. The cones telescoped into one another for
easy packing. VITA claimed that it could be used for waring the
food or cooking some dry food.(see figure 35 above)
Prof. Mann (1981) has improved on this
design. He used only two cones, but with better reflection and
concentrating characteristics (Figure 36). The light was focused
on top of the vessel kept in an insulated circular box
underneath. This design could be a good alternative to the
Telkes type of oven. Recently, El-Sebail (1994) too has proposed
a similar design (LCA 4b)

There seems to be renewed interest in
this type of Solar cookers. Mr Teong H.Tan fabricated what he
calls as DATS meaning Double Angled Twelve Sided Solar cooker.
He thought about this design mainly to avoid the transparent
plastic enclosure/guard around the cooking pots used to avoid
heat loss. The DATS saw the light of the day through Solar
cooker Review published by the Solar Cooking
International.(Photo from SCI site)

In India, Mr.
Ravendra Pardeshi and his wife Mrs. Shobha, of Pune developed a
similar Cooker. They call their cooker as 'PARVATI Solar
Cooker'( Named after inventors Grand Mother ). It is clear from
perusal of their site that they took the clue from Prof.
Mannan’s improvement of VITA Design. But to start with they
fabricated Prof. Stevens Funnel Cooker and then settled upon the
Parvati design . Vist to their site is a must, and their URL is The two
photograph/drawing presented here introduces this type of
cooker. It is commendable that this concerned and higly
motivated husband and wife team have done lot of experiments and
have suggested that staking the vessel one above the other gives
better results than keeping them side by side.Following
illustrations are form Ravidra Pardesi's site.

I prefer to classify Prof. Steven's
funnel cookers under this catogory. Following
photo presents his innovation. Prof Stevens funnel has several
advantages, it is simple to construct, and also store, there is
hardly any wastage of sheet, supporting the funnel may pose
problem in the beginning but one can easily solve the problem,
like for example a small hole in the ground to hold the base of
the funnel. Two small sticks, or stones could be propped up at
the back to hold the funnel in the right position. Here at India
I wish to use Stainless steel of say 28 gz thickness. I feel it
would give good result. Prof. Steven has a new site, also linked
to solarcooking site.

Mr Ravindra Pardesi and his wife
Parvathi have evolved another new design, an improvement over
Stevens funnel, it is a double funnel. I request you to visit
his site for more details. They have introduced a new kind of
Line Trace diagram, which calls for immediate attention by all
the Solar Cooker Designers and I request them to make such
diagrams for all the the type of Cookers they evolve. Ravindra's
URL is

This is a very
interesting and useful drawing, my special compliments to Mr
Ravindra and his wife Parvathi on creating such wonderful and
useful drawing

Molly Baker,(from US?) has presented
another interesting variation of Funnel Cooker. The cooker is
made from stiff cloth and the inner lining is a reflector
material, may be like the one produced by Derris of Clear dome
Solar. When the fold is opened and plastic tubes are inserted at
the top and bottom the cooker will be stiff and
ready to cook. The innovator has not shown and green house
enclosure, but I am sure the cooker will perform better with
one. (

Innovator like Anna Pearce had evolved
the Cone shaped hat of the far east region into a multipurpose
device which can be used as Hat, as a vessel to cook food, carry
water, an a Cone type solar cooker. The diagram is self

The Conical cooker is still in vogue,
and this time the designer is from Congo, Africa. Mr Magnar
Totland presents a slight variation of this Conical Cooker
design. His site with excellent drawings on various types of
cookers is a must for Solar cooker enthusiast
( The Conical cooker has slightly
rearranged rings at the base to improve focusing. A very
interesting and important feature of the design is the improved
stand as shown in the diagram, which helps in orienting the
cooker to the Sun.

Type LCA 5 (Figure 37) was an
interesting model which appeared in Popular Science 219 (6): P.
84, 1981. Here, the cooking vessel was placed on a small
platform covered with a glass jar, and two row of plane mirror
assembly projected above this platform, so that the light came
from the top (Anon. 198l b).
Mr Magnar, now settled in Congo has
another variation on this concept. The reflector in his design
has a petal like Parabolic reflector. The design looks

The Fun-Panel cooker described bellow is
a combination of best aspects of Funnel(Conical)and Panel
Magnar is a prolific inventor, and his
recent variations of Cooker the Kolumba and Voukana Solar
cookers are likely to herald a new era in Solar cooking. Visit
to his site is a must for all solar cooking enthusiasts. He has
presented many many excellent designs. (
Voukana is a bigger of the two, and as
one can note it is a double cone. It can bring 4 lit of water to
boil. Magnar claims that "The Voukana Solar Cooker cooks
from 0800 in the morning to 1600 in the afternoon in the
equatorial zone. The idea is that the cooker is inclined 30
degrees from the zenith is operational within a 120 degree
sector when adjusted azimuth during the day, and the only moving
part on it is the
pot. ". "The technically area of this cooker is about
1,3 square meters, and optimal effect on a 22cm wide and 14 cm
high cooking pot is geometrically calculated to be 1200W at
optimal sun angle of 60 degrees. "
Kolumba Solar cooker&nbp;
Voukana Solar Cooker
(Magnar & hise able friends)
His Deep funnel cookers is also
interesting. Looks a bit unsatable, but guess it can be
positioned suitably. His illustrations of concentration of sun
rays in a cone is worth watching
Another very interesting,very simple
class of design, and naturally very low cost solar cooker has been
presented by Prof. Roger Bernard et al. from France(1995). Brand
named ‘Cookit’ (Type LCA 6, Figure 38), it is just a packet of
interconnected reflectors. When open, they fold out into a small
bracket of reflectors around a cooking vessel kept in a
transparent container or a heat resistant plastic cover. The
cooker, probably the simplest among the lot, cheaper than that
of VITA design, does work well even in temperate zones of Earth.
This is the most popular cooker of the World.

Fig.38a, 'COOKIT' as it
appears in SCI site.
This design and many variations of this are the most popular Solar cookers of the World.Popularity of this design has compelled
me to include more details regarding the design. Prof. Bernard,
the designer of this unique and most simple design has brought
out a book in French where he has presented many more simple
designs. The Cookit is to be cut out from a cardboard of about 1
x 1 meter. Other material also can be used, for example Polished
Aluminium or Stainless steel. After cutting the cardboard as
directed, Aluminised Mylar or Aluminium foil is stuck to it. It
is then folded and as shown and prop-it-up, and lo, you have the
cooker ready.

Fig. 38b, design details
as in SCI site.

The above figure is from Prof. Bernard's
little book on solar Cookers. It shows more, but slightly
different way in which Cookit can be cut out.
When I tried to make a 'Cookit' some
difficulties were experienced, especially with reference to
round cuts at the top and other details. I tried to make the
whole design simpler. The central part would be about one to
one-and-a-half inch ( 5 to 7.5 cm) larger than the cooking
vessel. Rest of the design is easier to draw on the flat
cardboard and cut out the Cookit. It would be possible to
calculate precisely the angle at which the reflector at the back
should be, for various latitudes. The angle thus established
will have to be incorporated in the design, and once it is cut,
it can not be altered easily. THE CORRECT ANGLE OF THE REFLECTOR

The cooking pots have to be kept inside
a suitable transparent cover. Simple transparent plastic bag of
even Polyethylene has been found to work. Mr.Diasanna from
Africa devised a simple enclosure of transparent plastic to
cover the cooking vessel from the top. To retain the shape of
such a cover the ingenious local inventor, used thick copper
wire, or the like.( See the diagram in the composite sketch
But when the cover is lifted to inspect
the cooking material, the vessel gets exposed too and
considerable heat is lost. To offset this many have devised what
is popularly called as 'Green House Enclosure'. Mr David from
Canada has come out with wonderful idea and I have detailed the
same. I have suggested some improvement over Mr Diassana's
Cover. The design of Transparent enclosure I suggest comes in
two parts. First part is a transparant cover, cylindrical is
shape, and a size bigger than the cooking vessel, slightly
taller too. This is suitably supported by thin but strong sticks
or Copper or Aluminium wire. The top of this enclosure has a
Chinese hat like transparent cover, which is also supported by a
wire at the edge only. I have sent the details to the Solar
Cooker Review, and so the design should see the light of the
day. I shall now present the plans and drawing for the

'COOKIT' has become very popular
especially after the introduction of the transparent bag around
the cooking pot as suggested by Mrs. Barbera Kerr. Prof. Bernard
himself had suggested use of a inverted transparent bowl around
the black cooking pot. Later considering several problems
associated with such a transparent cover around the cooking pot.
He had suggested use of upright transparent bowl of a size
larger than the cooking pot and had also suggested several other
modifications for easy cooking. David
also recommends this and in addition has tried to improve this

The diagram above
gives a clear picture as to the assembly of black cooking pot in

This diagram shows as
to how a smaller pot could be held in a larger transperent
upright glass bowl

All the above diagrams
are from David Delaney's site ( see under other links for URL )
There are innumerable
variations of this famous and most popular Cooker the "COOKIT"
designed by Prof Bernard of France. Some of the easily available designs
ones have been presented here, if you feel like adding any other
variation, please send it over to me through E-mail.

Bernard's Cookit is becoming more and more popular. Florida
Solar Energy center has developed and tested what they call it
as 'HIGH BACKED COOKER'. Their test indicate that it performs
better than the regular Cookit,at least at Florida.It is a
special adaptation for regions beyond 35 N latitude.
Incidentally this group has done excellent work on various
aspects of Solar Cooking, like selecting good reflectors,
transparent material for 'Green house' enclosure, back support
for the Cookit Cooker. A visit to their site,, is a must.

Mr. Teong H Tan working at Malaysia has
evolved another variation to Cookit. Called 'Duel Setting Panel
Cooker'( DSPC) was specifically designed to offset the high
altitude sun angle near to the tropics.

Mr. Deris has presented
several similar cooking gadgets. Please visit his sites for
further details ( under other links )

All the above illustrate different types
of very simple cookers designs of which are very close to that
of 'COOKIT'.
In the year 2006, Derris has come out
with one more interesting variation. Only for the sake of
convenience I am classifying it under Panel Cookers.
The design is dubbed as Pyramid Cooker,
and interesting and apt name indeed. It is supposed to perform
better than regular 'Cookit'. As shown in the photos the two
sides of the pyramid are made of reflector material, and the
front is covered by a transparent plastic. Third, adjustable
reflector is in the front.

Recently Dar Curtis and Louise Meyer of
Solar Houshold Energy (SHE) have come out with a sparkling Panel
cooker called as Diamond Cooker to be used with their specially
designed Hot pot of Glass. They have also won a grant from World
Bank to distribute this type of cookers.

One of the
outstanding designs under this category is that of Mr John
Tilleman of USA. It looks so simple but it is an excellent
design. It is also easy to manufacture, a suitable die can
be used for cutting out the components from the Aluminium
reflector stuck cardboard, or even polished Aluminium sheet,
with minimum wastage. I am sure this design is going to become
very popular in the near future. John can be contacted for
further details at

Recently I came across two very
interesting designs in this category. They appear very simple
yet effective.
Richard Pocock of South Africa has been
working on solar cookers for over 17 years, and has evolved two
very interesting designs 'Pentagon Star' and 'Suncatcher'. Of
this I would detail on Suncatcher. As the inventor claims,
though the design looks like a variant of 'Cookit' it has been
evolved independently from parabolic cooker. He wanted to make
the parabolic cooker simpler, probably, and had ultimately
landed on sun catcher design. As the photo would depict, the
design does convey more sun light to the cooking pot, though
most of it is from above as in the 'cookit' type of designs.

Richard Pocock's site describes plans to make
Suncatcher, readers can buy from him the design as well
interesting design created by one of the prolific designer Teong
Tan. He realised that a cooker with an aperture at 60 degrees
capturers most of the sun shine, as in the Funnel cooker of
Steven Jones of US. But Funnel cooker is unsatble, and hence
Teong designed a new cooker called 'Fun-panel' combining the
best features of Funnel cooker as well as cookit. The design
sure appears attractive, and preliminary studies indicate that
it performs well. Readers who are interested in making the
cooker may please visit his well created site at Teong
is a very concerned and devoted Solar Cooker specialist and some
of his other designs like Dual-Angled-Twelve-Sided cooker (DATS)
solar cooker have already been added to this site. Teong has
conducted comparative study on green house enclosures as well,
and finds that Dar's hot pot works well. Details can be found in
his site mentioned above. (Study detailed in
site as well)

Three more type of solar cookers, which
I classify under Panel type are added.
First one is from Mozambique, it is a
large panel type, not much cuts, and silts to make. The cooker
seems to have been made directly from a big box. Top cover of
the box acts like additional reflector, one of the side opens up
to form front reflector, while the other three sides form back
and side reflectors as in a Cookit. One can see that three side
and back reflectors are slightly pulled to wards the center to
ensure more sun rays reach the cooking pot. The idea is
ingenious indeed, for it is much simpler to cut out from an old

Another panel type of cooker has been reported
from Argentina by Studio Xcruza. Dubbed as Xcruza Cooker, it is
supposed to be designed for large scale manufacturing in mind.
Compared to Cookit, the Xcruza cooker lacks the panel on one
side. The main reflector panels are the upper and one on the
side, while the lower panel augments further as the cooking pot
is kept at a height on a grill. This enables rays to reach
bottom of the cooking vessel as well. Another feature of the
design is the cooking pot and most of the cooker for that matter
is covered by transparent plastic sheet to act as greenhouse

One more panel type cooker is by Andrew
Kotowski from France, here the rear reflector is curved and is
made from highly reflective material as can be noted. The cooker
has some more smaller reflectors behind the cooking pot and the
lower reflector as well. It is supposed to perform better than
Cookit, may be because of curved high grade reflector. The
design has been optimized for Europe, especially for Lorraine in
France at 49 N Lat, and was cable of cooking 6 chicken legs in
about two hours.

These and other interesting designs have
been reported in
a French version of Wikia (available in English too) The
site reports developments in France, pertaining to Solar
cooking, Solar Barbeque type cooker reported here is a slight
variation of Parabolic cooker, where the Parabola is covered by
a square frame from out side. For barbeque the designer uses a
grill with a upper reflective cover, while for baking cakes they
use a small box enclosure. The Vietnam Tennis shoe like cooker
is Basket type of cooker reported from other parts of the world
as well, but the Vietnam design appears to be neat. Vietnam
Solar Serf is a regular parabolic cooker, slightly deeper
variety, but made up of smaller rectangular reflectors.
Reflector is supported on ‘A’ type frame and the cooking pot
hangs at the focus from a rod projecting up from the side of the
As I said earlier, there are many more designs of Panel Cookers. I am presenting images of some of the here. Will add at least the lins from where you can get details a little later. If you are very keen, may be you need to visit -solar cooker images - site through
Most of such cookers would work very
well, there are reports indicating that they have worked even in
Nepal. But I feel bigger reflectors should do better work.
One of the most simple cookers, rather
the simplest I would, could be that described by Deris Janette(
URL under other links ), called as Cleardome Cooker it is just a
semicircular row of plane mirrors around a cooking pot kept
under two transparent domes. It could be a very

Deris's Clear dome
solar cooker

Photo of Derri's Cleardome Solar Cooker
As was indicated earlier, the cookers
which concentrate the light from below stand a better chance in
the field. The best candidate in the field is the Murthy type of
asymmetrical reflector among the parabolic reflectors. In the
cookers using plane mirror geometry the winner could be Prof.
Bowman’s FIT design or Concepts III or IV proposed by the author
in this review. Another proposal of the author, Concept VIa, which
envisages the use of a large roof-top lens, could be ideal in
smaller towns, with single-storied buildings, and, when the
system is not used for cooking the concentrated heat could be
used for heating water or to turn on a water pump or a
One more recent design of Panel cooker deserves mention here. I would consider it as ultimate in Panel cooker category. The design is called as Copenhagen Solar cooker designed by Sharon Clausson of California. It consists of just 4 reflective panels. Assembly is simple and the panels can be adjusted round the cooking vessel to capture maximum amount of sunlight. While doing so the panels are held in position with plastic clips. Following images illustrate the concept. The cooker will perform better with modified Diasanna guard.