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This is a HTML version of the
Review paper which appeared in TIDE, Vol 8, No. 1, March 1998
Page 1-37. This review is now presented here in 12parts.
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This site helps
you to find out if your design of Solar Cooker is a new design
and if it works or not.

(The cartoon is from Prof Bernard's little book on
Solar Cookers " La cuisson Solari Facile". Published by Jouyence
Silence. France, reproduced here with his and publisher's
permission )
This review presents about 60 major
designs, their variations and over 100 drawings of
solar cookers. Test data published by other researcher is
compiled and a new set of parameters are suggested for testing
Solar Cookers, reflectors, and insulating material. This
compilation recommends do-it-yourself box ans panel -type solar
cookers incorporated in the house for the rural areas (type BDM
2, concept IX).
For urban areas, the best suited design would be
Prof. Bowman’s design with slight modifications (Type MP 3a,or
Concept IV), or Prof Ajay Chandak's Balcony Cooker.
Another suggested design for small towns, where
smaller single storied houses are common, is the roof-top water
or Plocarbonate lens whose focus is suitably deflected to the
bottom of the cooking vessel (Type LCA 3a, Concept VI).
Of other viable designs Bernard's 'COOKIT'
appears to be the best low cost design, which has now become
most popular design all over the World.
10 more new designs
have been added since this site was launched in June 1999, for
details see at the end of this page and also in the respective
sections ) The Sheffler's Reflector is also becomming popular
World over.
The designs designated here as
CONCEPTS I to XII were conceived during '80ies, but I do not
claim any right over the same, these designs can be triedout
by any interested persons without my prior permission.
However I appreciate if you share
a detailed report of the performance of the design.
This is an ACTIVE SITE, any
Researcher or an Inventor may contribute/publish his/her
design through this site, provided of course then send me
the details. However, they can directly add their design in
the respective catogory in my review os Solar Wiki site
adopted by Solar Cooker international, and inform me (
Recently this site has been adopted
by UNESCO in their publication Encyclopedia of Life
Support systems (EOLSS).
second contributor. He has evolved 'CLEAR DOME SOLAR
COOKERS' classified here under LCA 7. He has presented
several other interesting variations.
Prof Bowman of Florida
Institute of Technology, is one one of the major critics of
this site. He was also active in Solar Cooker research and
his contributions to this field are indeed phenominal.
DELANEY of Canada, turns out to be the first critic of the
site, and as per his advice, I have renamed the web page as
my Homesite. He is concentrating on improving the
transparent insulating cover, first suggested by Prof.
Bernard and then modified by Prof. Barbara Kerr, which is
more effective. His site should visited for more detailed
information on various aspects of Solar Cooking . He has
also introduced a new design called Inverted Box.
STOWELL from UK, is the fourth contributor to the site. He
had detailed his project work undertaken at Peru and
presents several guidelines for easier construction of
parabolic solar Cookers.
I am
delighted to receive very nice words and a beautiful book
from Prof. BERNARD, ( off France ), designer of most popular
Solar Cooker 'COOKIT". The book is in French but fortunately
details of his designs are presented by Solar Cooker
Stoven has
presented an interesting design called FUNNEL COOKERS, I
would place it close to ' Cookit', and designate it as LCA
Prof. Paul
Funk's SEAE Standards on testing Solar Cookers has been
added just this month that is, October 2001. Active
researchers who have tested the Solar Cookers using this
method could please send me the details.
In fact, the work on Solar Cookers was
launched here at Udupi way back in 1975 as a personal
project, to build a solar cooker for my personal use. As an
teacher of Environmental Science to graduate students at
India, I was worried aboout GHGs released through cooking
and also villegers walking severl miles to collect firewood,
I thought solar cookers can help the community a lot. It was Ms
Janet Alarcon of
Sri. G K Gopalakrishnan, Chief Documentation officer, TERI ,
(then located at Mumbai), who extended cooperation. They not
only enthused me further but helped me by sending tons of
Solar energy is the
primary source of energy for our Planet. Increased utilization
of the same would result in an all-round
benefit, both in terms of cleaner environment and monetary gain,
for the individual users as well as the Nation. Use of solar
energy would save a lot of time and money for the user and this
could be effectively diverted for increased productive
activities and monetary gains which means better living
standards and overall prosperity. The Gujarat Energy Development
Agency (GEDA 1979) calculates that the use of solar cookers by
about 2000 families for 10 years would mean a saving of Rs 3.6
million in terms of reduced firewood consumption, or Rs. 100
million worth coal or Rs. 8.55 million worth kerosene (as per
1979 prices).
The history of solar cooking goes back to dim
recess of antiquity. The use of solar power to ignite altar
fires has been mentioned (Meinel, Meinel 1997). References
indicate the use of sun rays to melt chemicals and metals. The
very first solar furnace was fabricated in France by the famed
naturalist George Louis Leclere Buffon (1707 – 1788). However,
the first reference relating to solar cooking was that of
Nicholas-de-Saussure (1740 – 1799). There are over 60 major
designs of solar cookers, some of which are patented, and more
than 100 variations. Of these, this review covers about 59 of
the most important variations. The main purpose of this
compilation is to present all possible major designs and their
variations so as to prevent the solar cooker designer from
wasting time on a design which has already been under the Sun.
An attempt is made to cover most of the designs, but if there
are any omissions then the designers may please send the
details. Though the description of the cooker is brief,
accompanying diagrams would fill the void. As regards
dimensions, adequate guidelines are given in the respective
sections, but for concentrating type the area should preferably
be more than 1.5 sq. m, and in the case of box type, it should
be around 0.7 sq. m.
The solar cookers
presented in the review are classified under SIX categories. The
classification of cookers in this update varies slightly from my earlier :
The Concentrator type, which concentrate
the sun’s rays either on to the top or at the bottom of the
cooking pot, was the pioneering designs. Naturally maximum
variations are found under this category Over 28 designs are
discussed here. I have also included a special section to
fabricate a parabola.
Recently Prof. Bernard's COOKIT has
become very popular world over and there are many variations of the design. Not
to be left out, I have tried my hand at it too. Especially
trying to make it simpler to fabricate and as well as the
Transparent Cooking Cover for the vessels. Earlier, this
catogory of cookers had been included under the second set, but
design and popularity of cooker has made me to elevate this type
to a special catogory.
Cone Cookers were classified along with
Panel Cookerss. But work of Mr Ravindra Pardesi of India and
Magnar Totland of Norway, working in Congo, has made it
necessory to allocate special catogory for this type of cookers
as well.
The Box type design was one of the first
solar cookers to appear under the sun, and is one of the popular
designs now. Eleven major designs of this type are described
here. The Indirect type solar cookers are those that have
collectors outside and the cooking area or plate is inside the
house. About 11 exotic designs find place in this review.
Cooking in hot sun is indeed cumbersome,
and hence many an inventors have tried to evolve solar cookers
which enable the lady of the house to cook food in comforts of
her kitchen. Naturally enen in my earlier edition this catogory
existed. But I guess the cost of construction has made this
design not so popular even with researchers.
Several reserchers have tried to store
Solar energy, using a Solar cooker, so that cooking can be done
even during night time. Easily available details are summarised
I hope you, the reader will
benifit from this site. I
seek your cooperation, to make this more informative,
attractive, lively and useful.
However, on
this site, I have tried to maintain the original idea of
including as many designs as possible. If I have not included,
one shoul pardon me for the literature in really huge, making it
virtually impossible to cover all. But, once again, with active
cooperation of inventors, I will try to make this site as
informative and useful as possible.
Table of
Concentrator Type
concentrated from below
Spherical reflector
Fresnel reflectors
Plane mirrors
Parabolic mirrors
Rigid parabolas
Shallow parabolic cookers
Deep parabolas
Asymmetrical parabolas
Collapsible parabolas
Concentrating light from above
Single Lense
Compound lens
Cone (Funnel) Designs
Box-type designs
Box without reflectors
Box with reflectors
Box with single reflector
Box with
double reflector
Box with three reflectors
Box with four reflectors
Box with four plus four reflectors
Indirect Types
Chemical cookers
Selection of
the best design
Evaluation of cookers
Some recommendations
A to R
Refrences S to
For Comments,
suggestions, contributions contact
Please add,Solar or Solar
Cooker, in the subject to avoid your mail being erased as scam
are listed
under S11-References A to W
For details
regarding testing standards for Solar Cookers ( International
Standards ) please
click here
For Comments,
suggestions, contributions contact
Ashok Kundapur
Email :
Please add Solar or Solar Cooker in the subject to avoid your
mail being erased as spam